This weekend I went to my Grandma and Grandpa's house. I took the Hood Canal bridge and went down Thorndyke road to Coyle. Right now, Ken (my Grandparent's neighbor) is here and they are watching the Husky basketball game.
This is the apple tree by my Grandparent's house. In the Summer we sit under the tree when it's hot. Sometimes Grandma puts out a pool and me and Ben (my brother) play in it.

This is my Grandpa's barn. As you can see, he is standing by it. Grandpa keeps his tools in there. Sometimes I get to go in there. Grandma's apple trees are right by there.

This is the pickle court that sometimes in the Summer I play on it with my cousins and my brother, and if I'm lucky with my Dad. We also play basketball there.

This is a picture I took of Sparkle and the birdfeeder. Sparkle is a wooden raccoon that my brother Ben found in a little hole thingy so my brother took it and he didn't want it. So, he gave it to me. This is a birdfeeder (green on the left) it attracts birds and deer. Some types of birds I see are Stellar Jays and Red-bellied Sapsuckers.

This picture was taken at John and Judy's deck, my Grandparent's other neighbor. It is of Fisherman's Harbor and Hood Canal in the distance.

This is my Grandma trying to hide from me, cause she doesn't want her picture taken!